Monday, June 1, 2020

My time with time


A frozen moment
disturbed by chirping crickets
- Already summer?


Driving on high-speed
motorway be like, one step
and then a-n-o-t-h-e-r.

Last few months I have been witnessing this elastic property of time. Like it stretches on for a while, almost paused, allowing me to pay attention to even the gentlest sounds of breeze or a crunch from the leaf that I stepped on. 
And then again at times it feels like I suddenly woke up in another time or a different season, kind of shifted from where I was. I don't know if this is just me, or if the lockdown has been making people feel a bit disoriented. Whatever it is, I decided to make these little haikus of some of these unique experiences within my head that I have been going through.

Would love to hear your story too.