Monday, October 31, 2011


We all see things differently just by virtue of being different people. Why then do we strive so hard to be the same person as our neighbour? How is it that most of us believe that the definition of being a successful person is to earn a lot of money, have a house, own a car, have the latest gadgets, afford to go to the posh restaurants, have a good looking wife/rich husband, have cute kids eventually who go to the best schools etc?
I like to think of this visually as a circular set path. But this path is overloaded with people. There must be and I know there are other paths and orbits which are not so crowded. Why don't we explore these? What stops us from finding out? We are the mighty humans, we built this modern world and all its facilities. We have started off as cavemen and yet managed to discover fire and electricity. We figured out hunting and agriculture. We were not always spoon fed and our paths were not always set in stone. Why then do we not draw from that and aspire to do and achieve more with the limited resources we have? Why don't we sit and think what success means to us. Forget about the successful neighbour, what about you? Why do you want the money, the car, the house, the gadgets? What will you do once you have them? Do you think its enough?

To me starting a family means I am in a position where I feel I have achieved something in life and have learnt something unique. And the desire to pass on this trade of lessons learnt makes me want to have a kid, to influence a mind, to create a life-form which starts with the basis and fundamentals of my cumulative experiences and lessons.

What does starting a family mean to you? Do you have conversations with your family about your life, dreams and what makes you happy? Do you ask them the same questions? How much weight or importance to you give to this knowledge?

What is your take on life?

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